From my family to yours Boston Marathon Victims, I send youre my heartfelt prayers, sympathy and empathy. For the rescuers, weather by profession or chance, I pray for peace and am in awe by your selfless acts of heroism.
God Speed
Lexy Moore
Yesterday our nation was attacked right in the heart of Boston. Thousands had come to join in on the long time tradition of the Boston Marathon, some running and some cheering on the sidelines. But some had more sinister ideas of how the day should play out.While runners crossed the finish line and spectators looked on, an evil, vial person choose to set terror in the hearts and minds of those there. The person, or persons, who perpetrated this act set out to place fear in the American people.
Since then we have gotten updates on the loss of life and the number of injured. We have been told that the investigation will not cease until the person(s) responsible for this crime are brought to their much deserved due justice. While we are all anxious for answers I caution you to be wise about what you read and see plastered on your Facebook, Twitter and(if you still have one) MySpace feeds.
Not everyone is out to spread the most current, factual news. There are people that will use this event as a means to spread vicious lies or create more avenues of venerability. Conspiracy Theorist are quick to throw uninformed messages out to a fractured people. And Hackers are out to create the Like this to show your respect Spread this because the Government doesnt want it seen posts to penetrate your security by playing on your heart strings.
This terrible tragedy happened just yesterday. The media can, at best speculate on the who, what, where, when, why and hows of the events that took place until investigators are finished with their investigation. They will know more information than your Facebook feed. So please do not fall into the trap of spreading ill willed information. This will only bring more heartache to those already in anguish.
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