Tuesday, July 16, 2013

As you all know I have been crocheting for some time now.
 My journey started off, while I was pregnant with our daughter, as a desire to make my baby a special blanket. At first I didn’t get it, but with a little help and practice I was on my way to, what you now could call my, addiction for the art. I would make stuff, while I was working full-time, just to make it and give it away. Or I would make stuff as gifts to answer the call of the hook. Or as a stress reliever.
 After we moved, and my hours at work were limited, I was faced with and unimaginable amount of time on my hands. This only fueled the fire to turn a ball of yarn into something, anything. With a big tub of yarn, my grandma gave me, and uninterrupted time I crocheted my little heart out. Once I was done I didn’t know what I was going to do with all the stuff I had made. I thought craft shows, sponsored events and my Facebook page would all be sufficient.
 The events came and went. And my Facebook fan page hit the ground crawling. So I decided to be more productive. Liking ladders, Page Mingling and other creative ways to get likes was the road to fan base growth. Next were auctions, hosted by other pages, to get my name out there. And then, what turned into a huge break for me, an RTS group.
This turned my inventory into actual sales. Packages were bundled and shipped. Photographers started buying my items for their prop drawers and Lexy’s HandMade Creations took a turn for the more professional crocheting realm of things. And now I am partnering up with a new group.
 Made with Love, Props & More is my newest outlet for reaching new clients. Fairly new to Facebook, Made with Love, Props & More is headed up by a very professional lady with the know how to make a successful page, where we can come together and get our handmade goods to new homes. I am very excited about this new partnership because I know that new connections will be made. Also because this page is not just for your photographer.
 It is for your new mom and dad looking for a special handmade item for their new bundle of joy. It’s for your trendy teen, who doesn’t want to have the same scarf or headband every other girl in school has. It’s for you, who is looking for a new “spoil myself” gift that is made by a person and not a machine.
 So head on over to Made with Love, Props and More and check it out (https://www.facebook.com/MadeWithLovePropsMore). And Mark Your Colanders for July 23, 2013. That is the big Grand Opening Sale. It will be Christmas in July, because it’s never to early to buy your new fall and winter props or Christmas presents.
 I hope you all have a very Blessed Day

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